Agent Training

This section walks through the process of creating a FleetRL env object, and training an RL agent on it. The creation of the environment walks through important parameters, generating custom schedules, and additional parameters that can be used to customize the environment.

For training, stable-baselines3 is used, in this case the PPO agent. Progress is logged via tensorboard, as well as a progress bar. Agent artifacts are saved, so they can be reused at a different point in time or on another machine. Note that it is possible to create wandb callbacks with SB3, which enable advanced logging and progress visualization, as well as automatic storing of model artifacts.

Importing dependencies

import datetime as dt
import numpy as np
import math
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from typing import Literal
import pandas as pd
import time
import os

from FleetRL.fleet_env import FleetEnv

from stable_baselines3.common.vec_env import VecNormalize, SubprocVecEnv
from stable_baselines3.common.env_util import make_vec_env
from stable_baselines3 import PPO
from stable_baselines3.common.callbacks import EvalCallback, ProgressBarCallback, BaseCallback
from stable_baselines3.common.logger import HParam

from pink import PinkActionNoise
from stable_baselines3.common.noise import OrnsteinUhlenbeckActionNoise, NormalActionNoise

Configuring the environment

Below, a basic configuration is shown for a last-mile delivery use-case. It features multiple EVs and multiple parallel environments. New schedules will be generated in this case - this can be changed by setting gen_new_sched and gen_new_test_sched to False.

# define fundamental parameters
run_name = "LMD_2022_arbitrage_PPO"
n_train_steps = 48  # number of hours in a training episode
n_eval_steps = 8600  # number of hours in one evaluation episode
n_eval_episodes = 1  # number of episodes for evaluation
n_evs = 2  # number of evs
n_envs = 2  # number of envs parallel - has to be equal to 1, if train_freq = (1, episode) or default setting
time_steps_per_hour = 4  # temporal resolution
use_case: str = "lmd"  # for file name
scenario: Literal["arb", "tariff"] = "tariff"  # arbitrage or tariff
gen_new_schedule = True  # generate a new schedule - refer to schedule generator and its config to change settings
gen_new_test_schedule = True  # generate a new schedule for agent testing

Training parameters change settings in the backends of FleetRL and stable-baselines3. This includes normalization, vectorization of environments, total training steps and the interval at which models are saved.

# training parameters
norm_obs_in_env = False  # normalize observations in FleetRL (max, min normalization)
vec_norm_obs = True  # normalize observations in SB3 (rolling normalization)
vec_norm_rew = True  # normalize rewards in SB3 (rolling normalization)
total_steps = int(1e6)  # total training time steps
saving_interval = 50000  # interval for saving the model

Creating an environment object

To instantiate a FleetEnv object, some arguments are required, and some are optional. Depending on the pricing scenario, the right input files and markups are chosen. Depending on the use-case, the schedule and building load input files are chosen.

# environment arguments - adjust settings if necessary
# additional settings can be changed in the config files
env_kwargs = {"schedule_name": str(n_evs) + "_" + str(use_case) + ".csv",
              "building_name": "load_" + str(use_case) + ".csv",
              "use_case": use_case,
              "include_building": True,
              "include_pv": True,
              "time_picker": "random",
              "deg_emp": False,
              "include_price": True,
              "ignore_price_reward": False,
              "ignore_invalid_penalty": False,
              "ignore_overcharging_penalty": False,
              "ignore_overloading_penalty": False,
              "episode_length": n_train_steps,
              "normalize_in_env": norm_obs_in_env,
              "verbose": 0,
              "aux": True,
              "log_data": False,
              "calculate_degradation": True,
              "target_soc": 0.85,
              "gen_schedule": gen_new_schedule,
              "gen_start_date": "2022-01-01 00:00",
              "gen_end_date": "2022-12-31 23:59:59",
              "gen_name": "my_sched.csv",
              "gen_n_evs": 1,
              "seed": 42

if scenario == "tariff":
    env_kwargs["spot_markup"] = 10
    env_kwargs["spot_mul"] = 1.5
    env_kwargs["feed_in_ded"] = 0.25
    env_kwargs["price_name"] = "spot_2021_new.csv"
    env_kwargs["tariff_name"] = "fixed_feed_in.csv"
elif scenario == "arb":
    env_kwargs["spot_markup"] = 0
    env_kwargs["spot_mul"] = 1
    env_kwargs["feed_in_ded"] = 0
    env_kwargs["price_name"] = "spot_2021_new.csv"
    env_kwargs["tariff_name"] = "spot_2021_new_tariff.csv"

Create environments

Vectorized environments are created via the respective SB3 method. The SubprocVecEnv is used because it allows for parallel processing (unlike DummyVecEnv). The VecEnv is wrapped in a normalization wrapper via VecNormalize.

train_vec_env = make_vec_env(FleetEnv,
                             seed = env_kwargs["seed"])

train_norm_vec_env = VecNormalize(venv=train_vec_env,

For the validation environment, a new schedule does not need to be generated. However, the eval time picker needs to be used, and the schedule name of the training environment needs to be adopted.

env_kwargs["time_picker"] = "eval"
env_kwargs["gen_schedule"] = False
env_kwargs["schedule_name"] = env_kwargs["gen_name"]

eval_vec_env = make_vec_env(FleetEnv,

eval_norm_vec_env = VecNormalize(venv=eval_vec_env,

Adding callbacks

The SB3 EvalCallback is used to run a validation on the validation set. This tests the currently training agent on a separate portion of the dataset, allowing for better judgement of performance on unseen data.

eval_callback = EvalCallback(eval_env=eval_norm_vec_env,
                             eval_freq=max(10000 // n_envs, 1),

The HyperParamCallback is used to log metric in TensorBoard. Depending on the used RL algorithm, more parameters can be logged.

class HyperParamCallback(BaseCallback):
    Saves hyperparameters and metrics at start of training, logging to tensorboard

    def _on_training_start(self) -> None:
        hparam_dict = {
            "algorithm": self.model.__class__.__name__,
            "learning rate": self.model.learning_rate,
            "gamma": self.model.gamma,

        metric_dict = {
            "rollout/ep_len_mean": 0,
            "train/value_loss": 0.0,

            HParam(hparam_dict, metric_dict),
            exclude=("stdout", "log", "json", "csv")

    def _on_step(self) -> bool:
        return True

hyperparameter_callback = HyperParamCallback()

A progress bar can be included. This might not show during live training in some remote computing environments.

progress_bar = ProgressBarCallback()


A wandb callback exists for SB3. Check the wandb documentation for implementation.

Adding action noise, e.g. for TD3 and DDPG

n_actions = train_norm_vec_env.action_space.shape[-1]
param_noise = None
noise_scale = 0.1
seq_len = n_train_steps * time_steps_per_hour
action_noise = PinkActionNoise(noise_scale, seq_len, n_actions)


PinkActionNoise was used here, according to Alternatively, NormalActionNoise, or OrnsteinUhlenbeckNoise of the SB3 library can be used.

Instantiating model

To avoid specific model tuning for each new use-case, it is recommended to first try a model’s default parameters. Below, a hyperparameter configuration is proposed for PPO that performed well for all three use-cases. It can potentially yield potential performance increases.

model = PPO(policy="MlpPolicy",
            verbose=1, # setting verbose to 0 can introduce performance increases in jupyterlab environments

# might introduce performance increases
            # gamma=0.99,
            # learning_rate=0.0005,
            # batch_size=128,
            # n_epochs=8,
            # gae_lambda=0.9,
            # clip_range=0.2,
            # clip_range_vf=None,
            # normalize_advantage=True,
            # ent_coef=0.0008,
            # vf_coef=0.5,
            # max_grad_norm=0.5,
            # n_steps=2048)

Creating tensorboard instance. Port can be specified in case a certain port is free on remote computing environments. bind_all might be required by some remote machines.

%reload_ext tensorboard
%tensorboard --logdir ./tb_log --bind_all --port 6006

Setting directories according to path names.

comment = run_name
time_now = int(time.time())
trained_agents_dir = f"./RL_agents/trained_agents/vec_PPO_{time_now}_{run_name}"
logs_dir = f"./RL_agents/trained_agents/logs/vec_PPO_{time_now}_{run_name}"

if not os.path.exists(trained_agents_dir):

if not os.path.exists(logs_dir):

Model training

Per interval, a unique model artifact is saved. Additionally, an artifact is saved regarding the normalization metrics and the agent model - this is overwritten each time. The instantiated callbacks must be included here.

# model training
# models are saved in a specified interval: once with unique step identifiers
# model and the normalization metrics are saved as well, overwriting the previous file every time
for i in range(0, int(total_steps / saving_interval)):
                callback=[eval_callback, hyperparameter_callback, progress_bar])"{trained_agents_dir}/{saving_interval * i}")

    # Don't forget to save the VecNormalize statistics when saving the agent
    log_dir = "./RL_agents/trained_agents/tmp/vec_PPO/" + f"PPO-fleet_{comment}_{time_now}")
    stats_path = os.path.join(log_dir, f"vec_normalize-{comment}_{time_now}.pkl")